Sunday, January 10, 2010

Vertigo And Hearing Loss What Might Be The Reason For Vertigo?

What might be the reason for vertigo? - vertigo and hearing loss

Lately I've been dizzy with a vehicle on a high place - perhaps after the execution of a mountain or landing after a flight. I consulted an eye, ear and throat that sent me for a hearing test. The results showed that the hearing is very good. As suggested by the doctor before the trip, take an antihistamine, but not prevent, seasickness, I would appreciate an idea of what might be and how to deal with it.

1 comment:

khurst12... said...

I can imagine that your dizziness may be very frustrating, but it seems that it is demonstrated that the most common cause, and not return until they are very frustrating to diagnose. Vertigo can through various causes, including ear infections (ENT found nothing), eighth cranial nerve damage vestibulo-cochlear (hearing test came back) in order to swindle a symptom of Meniere's disease, treated by increased fluid pressure in the ears with reduced sodium intake caused is, but it is often accompanied by other symptoms such as tinnitus and fluctuating hearing loss. Benin paroxysmal positional vertigo, or BPV is the most common cause of vertigo is caused by the otoliths showing his usual position in the vestibular otoliths or more higher than they should carry out the collection of calcium in them as they age, in both scenarios dizziness.

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