Friday, February 12, 2010

Funny Genital Tattoos Ok Im Not Being Funny Or Perverted.. But My Right Genital Is Larger Then My Left One. Is That Really Bad?

Ok im not being funny or perverted.. but my right genital is larger then my left one. is that really bad? - funny genital tattoos

NORMAL. You must acquire the habit of checking for changes, lumps, etc. testicular cancer is a disease of youth, not his grandfather.


hobo said...

You have have to worry about more serious things

minimous... said...

Go to your doctor NOW!
In reality, please!

maserati... said...

It is an adaptation of the man, the very cool stuff

Elias said...

do not worry this is normal!

caffinej... said...

Almost certainly, it is normal, unless you're talking about a vineyard next to an orange.

flashpoi... said...

Perfectly normal.

VOLLEYBALL Hottie!!! said...

Well, as normal. Which goes to the same size home. If you are not talking about a big difference, like a golf ball for a. .. A tennis ball. Then you can use a type of cancer or something. I consult my doctor to make sure that everything goes well. They talk a little about what to make an appointment anxieties. Dont freak out or anything until you talk to a doctor. GOOD LUCK.

Distorted Vision said...

Probably not a problem. In most men, from the hands of boys a little lower than the other. This reduces the risk for foot convene, sitting or simply pass format.

However, if one of them was even bigger than you see in a red flag warning of testicular cancer. We need to address as soon as possible because it is easily one of the bays to be amputated. If left untreated, the cancer will kill you.

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